April 2017 Riddlemaster Title Challenge


Hello Dragon Saga Friends!


This month we will be hosting a special riddle challenge to all our Dragon Saga Community! Three riddles will be given at the end of our weekly Let's Play Episodes throughout the month (one per episode)! Those who answer all of these riddles correctly will be entered in a raffle to win the exclusive 'Riddlemaster' title for a month! This title will only go to one player a month, as there can only be one Dragon Saga  Riddlemaster!




- Send your riddle answers in a ticket at support.warpportal.com, including your character name

- Only one answer per question per account will be accepted, so answer carefully!

- New riddles will be given at the end of the Lets Play Episodes on the Warpportal Youtube channel every week!

- This event will end on 04/25/2017, answers submitted after that time will not be counted. Our winner will be announced at the end of the month Livestream on 04/26/2017.

- Only one Riddlemaster Title will be distributed per event! We advise you do not share answers with others at this will only decrease your chance of winning this exclusive title.