Patch Notes 8/29/2018




Maintenance Notes
Patch Version 0.6.84, Client Version:
Server Maintenance
2018-08-29, 12:00 Server Time





Galaxia Support Box Drop Event 
By killing monsters you have a chance that they drop a Galaxia Support Box. This box contains randomly one of the following:

Taurus Star Stone
Cancer Star Stone
Virgo Star Stone
Scorpio Star Stone
Hydra Star Stone
Star Sign Admission Ticket (Rare)
Galaxy Coin (Rare)
Star Fragment (Rare)
Serpent's Force (Rare)

This event runs until September, 5th 12:00 Server Time.



Sweets Ingredients Box Drop Event
By killing monsters you have a chance that they drop a Sweets Ingredients Box which contains:

4x Flour
4x Powdered Sugar
4x Butter
4x Almond Piece
4x Chocolate Piece
4x Stick
4x Marshmellow
4x Milk
4x Sweets Recipe Box

This event runs until September, 5th 12:00 Server Time.



*Item Mall*
- added Zodiac Gold/Black Weapon Gasha Box (100 IM Points)
- added Zodiac Silver Weapon Gasha Box (100 IM Points)The items can be found at the Event tab in the Item Mall

The items can be found at the Event tab in the Item Mall


Fashion Popstar Outfit (female)
Punk Rocker Popstar Outfit (male)
Glitter Outfit (female)
Modern Outfit (male)


Cutie Attendant (Red) Uniform [Advanced Tab]
Duke of Vankos Set (male) [Advanced Tab]
Duchess of Vankos Set (female) [Advanced Tab]

High-Priest Outfit (male) [Special Tab]
High-Priest Outfit (female) [Special Tab]

Modern Ninja Costume [Deluxe Tab] 
Hades Set [Deluxe Tab]