Patch Notes 9/7/2022


Maintenance Notes
Patch Version 0.10.7, Client Version:

Server Maintenance
2022-09-07, 11:00 Server Time

Tirfing Farewell Event.
This Event continues until September 14, 11:00 Server Time.

Element Damage dealing End-Bosses
We have added element damage to more end bosses:
- Mutisha (Verdurous Forest) now deals 250 Dark Element Damage
- Ryvious (Verdurous Forest) now deals 250 Nature Element Damage
- Rotten Tree (Verdurous Forest) now deals 200 Nature Element Damage
- Poisonous Tree (Verdurous Forest) now deals 200 Nature Element Damage
- Thorny Tree (Verdurous Forest) now deals 200 Nature Element Damage

- Akanai (Akia Cave) now deals 230 Dark Element Damage
- Bat Spider (Akia Cave) now deals 180 Nature Element Damage
- Spirit of Grudge (Akia Cave) now deals 180 Fire Element Damage
- Perry Ariel (Akia Cave) now deals 180 Ice Element Damage

- Lavalon (Magma Dungeon) now deals 200 Fire Element Damage

General Fixes and Changes
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug with the Galaxy Dungeon rewards
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug that the Little Devil Balloon had magenta colored textures when equipped on a female character
- Change: Removed the "Purchase W-Coin" button in the BigWheel screen since it was not working anyway
- Fixed: Armored Golem cannot longer receive damage effects (again)