Operation: C-C-C-Code Breaker

Military Soldier GMs are hidden throughout the world of Dragon Saga carrying out a special highly classified mission. A series of codes will be given at different times over the Memorial Day weekend beginning on May 27th 2011 until May 30th 2011. They will be announced in-game, so be ready to write them down. They will also be posted in this thread after the initial announcement ingame. These codes will need to be decoded or deciphered and then delivered to the proper location. Speed and time is of the essence. Failure to complete the mission will result in the missing out of prizes.


You must break the code and visit the location described. Once at the location, state the code in general chat and if it is correct, a Soldier that resembles the one in the picture above will appear and state "Code Accepted". If the code is incorrect, the Soldier will not appear and assume you are the enemy.

Prizes for the event will include:
Military Kits, Military 2-Way Radios, and gada coins!

Military KitMilitary 2-way radio

Follow this link to find out how to decipher the code.

Begins: May 27, 2011
Ends: May 30, 2011