Share the LOVE Event!

Do you love Dragon Saga? Do you like having a couple extra souls in your inventory? Want a pair of cool Chic Sunglasses? All you have to do is LIKE our Official Facebook and Share the LOVE with your friends!

Let the world know how much you love Dragon Saga. Upload a picture of your character or your character and his friends, write a short story or share with us in any other way how you really LOVE Dragon Saga and win all the prizes below each week!


Each week 5 winners will be chosen, from the posts made from Friday (noon)-Friday (noon). Drawings will be held July 8th & 15th. Winners will receive a message on Facebook from CM Hastur with a coupon code.

The more posts you make throughout the week the better your chances of winning.

How to Enter:
1. Visit and LIKE our Official Facebook Page at :


2. Upload an image of your character ingame to YOUR Wall (feel free to take the picture with others.)

3. Tell the world what you love about Dragon Saga in the space below the posted image.
-When writing the message make sure to include the “@“ symbol before “Dragon Saga “and a drop-down menu will appear that allows you to choose. Also don’t forget to include our URL: Then post the image.

4. Once the image is posted, click on it, and tag yourself and Dragon Saga in the image. Once completed click done.

5. Post as many as you can each week to win 5x 999 Souls, 20x W-Coins, and Chic Sunglasses.

Share the Love with your friends and we'll share the Love with you!

Begins:July 1st
Ends: July 15th