Patch Notes 6/18/2020




Maintenance Notes
Patch Version 0.8.50, Client Version:

Server Maintenance
2020-06-18, 13:00 Server Time





DragonSaga Evolved 

Bug Fixes

- fixed issues with the following Portals:
Red Fox Delta
Wolve's Den (Lv. 15 and Lv. 19)
Van Cliff 
Drakos Tower

- the issue with the red/black screen at Verdurous Forest Boss Room has been finally fixed

General Changes
- The QQ Balloon and the Tofu Ballon have been removed from the Vending Machine. White and Brown Llama Balloon have been added (10 Silver Coins each)


Item Mall
The following items have been removed:
Bee Wing Gasha Box, Summer Wings Gasha Box, Protector of the Universe Weapon Box 

The following items have been added:
Sharp Paws Weapon Box  (80 IM) – yields randomly one Sharp Paw Weapon for a random class
Mini Wings Box (80 IM) – yields one of 24 differently colored Mini Wings
Parrot Wing Box (80 IM) – yields one of 8 differently colored Parrot Wings
Papyrus Wing Box (80 IM) – yields one of 8 differently colored Papyrus Wings


Sky Blue Traditional Chinese Outfit (female)

White Chic Attendant Uniform

Vintage Tiger-Patterned Hoodie

Skater Set (male)

Skater Set (female)

Royal Guard's Uniform

Brown Dino Egg Costume

Ultimate Hero Set



Paris Follower's Set [Special]

Black Classic Attendant Dress [Special]

Luminant Bat of the Sea Costume [Special]


Hephaistos Set [Artifact]

Crazy Clown Costume [Artifact]

[Best] Ultimate Hero Set [Artifact]