Patch Notes 6/23/2020


Maintenance Notes
Patch Version 0.9.18, Client Version:

Server Maintenance
2021-06-23, 13:00 Server Time

Aztec Weapons
Aztecs were always know for their treasures and colorful items. Become part of their history by grabbing yourself one of the Aztec Weapons from the new Aztec Weapon Gasha Box which can be obtained from the Item Mall for 80 IM Points each. It yields one Aztec Weapon for a random class.

These weapons also come with a particle effect while attacking:



Aztec Sword
Min/Max Atk +600, STR+20, AGI+20, Crit.Dmg +15%, Final Crit. Rate +3%

Aztec Blade
Min/Max Atk +500, STR+20, AGI+20, Crit.Dmg +15%, Final Crit. Rate +3%

Aztec Staff
Min/Max Atk +500, INT+15, AGI+20, Crit.Dmg +15%, Final Crit. Rate +3%

Aztec Spear
Min/Max Atk +550, INT+20, AGI+20, Crit.Dmg +15%, Final Crit. Rate +2.5%

Aztec Bow
Min/Max Atk +550, STR+20, AGI+20, Crit.Dmg +15%, Final Crit. Rate +3%

Aztec Crossbow
Min/Max Atk +500, STR+15, AGI+20, Crit.Dmg +15%, Final Crit. Rate +2.5%

Aztec Claw
Min/Max Atk +600, STR+20, AGI+20, Crit.Dmg +15%, Final Crit. Rate +3.5%

Aztec Katar
Min/Max Atk +500, STR+20, AGI+20, Crit.Dmg +15%, Final Crit. Rate +3%

Aztec Gauntlet
Min/Max Atk +500, STR+12, AGI+20, Crit.Dmg +15%, Final Crit. Rate +2.5%

Aztec Summoner
Min/Max Atk +500, INT+10, AGI+20, Crit.Dmg +15%, Final Crit. Rate +2.5%


General Fixes and Changes

- Change: Changed the FPS cap from 60 to 144 FPS (experimental), if you want to use it you need to deactivate VSync at Option -> Graphics -> Misc Graphics Settings -> VSync
- Fix: Fixed a bug that the new 1* and 2* Socket Cards were not sellable to a Shop NPC.
- Fix: Fixed a bug that the Close and Minimize Buttons on the window title bar did not work.
- Fix: Fixed a bug that the recently placed NPC Rue at Kazeura Village did not have a marker on the minimap.
- Fix: Fixed a bug that the Aura Effect number is not displayed on the Tooltip for IM Weapons when equipped on the costume page.
- Several minor fixes