Maintenance Notes
Patch Version 0.10.87, Client Version:
Server Maintenance
2023-10-05, 11:00 Server Time
Happy 13th Anniversary Dragon Saga!

We are celebrating our 13th anniversary and we invite you to celebrate with
This year we have our 13th Birthday Cake and also we have a little guest.
The name of him is "Little Bob". Little Bob has something very special for
you. When you talk to him he will be able to teleport you and your party
members into the Dungeon of the Forgotten Past. The Dungeon
will take you and your party members on a journey into Dragon Saga's past.
The Dungeon is an Expert Mode Dungeon, it does not offer a normal mode. All
Expert Mode limitations apply, but you also get the 8 end rewards.
As end reward you can get the following:
Anniversary Costume Box #1which contains randomly one of
these items:
Blue Wreath
Orange Wreath
Purple Wreath
Rubber Glove Hat Thumbs Up!
Rubber Glove Hat Hi!
Cake Balloon
Party Hat
[Event] Ultimate Hero Helmet
[Event] Ultimate Hero Bottom
[Event] Ultimate Hero Gloves
[Event] Ultimate Hero Wings
White Lord Shoulder
White Lord Bottom
White Lord Shoes
Anniversary Costume Box #2 which contains randomly one of
these items:
Wreath of Light
Red Wreath
Gold Wreath
Green Wreath
Rubber Glove Hat Yay!
Birthday Balloon Dragon Saga
Cake Hat
[Event] Ultimate Hero Top
[Event] Ultimate Hero Shoulders
[Event] Ultimate Hero Shoes
White Lord Helmet
White Lord Top
White Lord Gloves
Anniversary Back Item Box which contains randomly one of
these items:
Golden Anniversary Cape
Golden Anniversary Wings
Golden Anniversary Quiver
Golden Anniversary Muffler
Silver Anniversary Cape
Silver Anniversary Wings
Silver Anniversary Quiver
Silver Anniversary Muffler
Black Anniversary Cape
Black Anniversary Wings
Black Anniversary Quiver
Black Anniversary Muffler
Anniversary Chair Box which contains randomly one of these
Checkered Couch
Upgraded Wooden Bath Tub
Resting Cradle
Dolphin Tube
Sportscar Tube
Taxi Cube
(all of these are no MyHome Items. They are consumable items and can be
used only one time)
Anniversary Accessory Box which contains randomly one of
these items:
Anniversary Ring
Anniversary Necklace
Anniversary Earrings
Each of the items are giving +0.5% Enchant Success Chance and +0.5%
Soulcraf Success Chance. If you equip all 3 you get another +1.5% Enchant
Success Chance and Soulcraft Success Chance.
If you kill the Mini Bosses at the boss room, they will
drop a Piece of Birthday Cake. That item can be traded at the Birthday Cake
for a special wing. Either in Black or in White or you get yourself both.
They cost 25 Pieces of Birthday Cake each. You can also trade it for an
[Event] Sir Helpsalot Support Pet which costs 30 Pieces of
Birthday Cake each. This Sir Helpsalot can be upgrade to an High-Stat
Support Pet using the Pet Upgrader Item from the Item Mall. The High-Stat
version comes with 5 different colors which can be changed randomly by
using the Pet Dye Potion from the Item Mall. The Low-Stat Event version
only comes with one color.
13th Anniversary EXP
October 5: 1.5x
October 6: 2.3x
October 7: 2.4x
October 8: 2.4x
October 9: 1.5x
October 10: 1.5x
October 11: 1.5x
October 12: 1.5x
This Event runs until October 26, 11:00 Server Time.
Talk like a Pirate! Day Event
The event has finished.Event items can still
be traded at the Hookah NPC for another week.
DragonSaga Evolved Update
Windy Dungeon Update
The boss of the particular map now appears after defeating all
monsters first. It's no longer possible to defeat the boss before all
monsters are slayed.
Shift System Rework
We re-introduced the Soul Extract and Enchant System with some
Soul Extract
To extract souls into a Soul Force Capsule you will need Soul Force
Extractor items. The impure ones you get from NPC Bessie will not work.
They first need to be purified through Bessie's Purity menu using the
Purifier Can from the Item Mall. You can purify 1 Impure Soul Force
Extractor plus 1 Purifier Can into 1 Soul Force Extractor.
Per Soulcraft Stat on the source item you need one 1 Soul Force Extractor.
The success chance is still 100%.
Enchant Shift
To enchant shift you need Enchant Shift Marbles. The impure ones you
get from NPC Bessie will not work. They first need to be purified through
Bessie's Purity menu using the Purifier Can from the Item Mall. You can
purify 1 Impure Enchanft Shift Marble plus 1 Purifier Can into 1 Enchant
Shift Marble.
The Amount of needed Enchant Shift Marbles has been reduced, still depends
on the Enchant Level your source item has and is now as follows:
Enchant Lv. 5-9: 1 Marble
Enchant Lv. 10-14: 2 Marbles
Enchant Lv. 15/16: 3 Marbles
Enchant Lv. 17/18: 4 Marbles
Enchant Lv. 19/20: 5 Marbles
Important! It is no longer possible to Enchant Shift to
lower level items. The target item level has to be the same level as the
source item or can be up to 10 levels above.
Insurance Scrolls are no longer needed for this system. The Enchant Shift
cannot fail, however there is also no chance to get a higher enchant or the
risk to get a lower one anymore. The enchant level will always be
transferred 1:1 with a success chance of 100%.
The menus for Soul Force Extraction and Injection have been
split into separate menus called Extract Soul Forceand
Inject Soul Force
. Also the explanation window has been removed.
Buff Products Menu at NPC Bessie
The Buff Producs Menu at NPC Bessie is currently empty and there is
no way to obtain items like the drinks, the statues and the embers. These
items will be changed a bit and their re-introduction has been delayed to
October 12.
13th Anniversary Soulcraft & Enchant Event
October 12, 11:00 Server Time - October 19, 11:00 Server Time:
Soulcraft Success Chance doubled, Enchant Success
Chance double
General Fixes and Changes
- Fix:The remaining Windy Farm Portals have been
removed from Village of Ash Mist and Fungoid Village.
Please know that we will remove the Windy Farm map completely. Please
leave the map on your own. All players who are standing on the Windy
Farm map when the map is removed will be ported to Odellia
Item Mall
Important Change to the Gifting Function
The possibility to gift items from the Item Mall has been entirely
removed due to recent scam activities and to prevent undermining the
one-sellable items system. Players who still have gifts can receive them
Featured Items
Special Offer (until October 5, 11:00 Server Time)
25x Pet Option Randomizer (700 instead of 800 IM Points)
25x Advanced Pet Option Randomizer (950 instead of 1050 IM Points)
Chic Anniversary Outfit [Artifact]