Maintenance Notes
Patch Version 0.11.37, Client Version:
Server Maintenance
2024-06-20, 11:00 Server Time
The Summer Event is available until July 11, 11:00 Server Time.
MixBoard Change
The MixBoard has been reworked similar to the BigWheel.
The Mixable Point System has been removed.
Instead you now need specific mixable grades to get a higher grade
Special Grade:
2 Normal Grade or higher Costume Items
3 Advanced Grade or higher Costume Items
Artifact Grade:
5 Special Grade or higher Costume Items
Legendary Grade:
5 Artifact Grade or higher Costume Items
You now have to select the grade of the costume item you
want to wheel for before starting the wheel.This is done by
selecting the particular tab (Special, Artifact, Legendary). You will
always get an costume item of the particular grade you selected.
You always wheel for all items of the selected category. There are no
doubles anymore. You put the needed mixables in after selecting the
The % chance to get a specific item from the selected category is displayed
Important! After clicking on the MixBoard button, the wheel immediately
starts to run.

The Accepted Mixables Area always shows which mixable grade
is accepted to insert.
A known issue is that the chance indicator shows [Artifact] for the
Legendary Grade Costumes. This is only a visual bug we are aware of. This
will be fixed by the next update.
Note: The screenshots are take from the Development Phase. The
costume shown as Legendary Costume on the screenshot is not an
actual legendary costume.
General Fixes and Changes
- Change:The Costume Soulbound Remover
has been removed from the Item Mall. Use the new Grade specific Soulbound
Remover for the particular Costume Grade instead. The old Costume Soulbound
Removers you may have in your inventory are still working for Special and
Artifact costume items.
- Change:The Gold Pouches which can be put in the Account
Vault to transfer gold to another char on the same account are no longer
accidentally destroyable.
- Change:Some of the Instand HP/MP recovery food items are
now level specific:
- Apple/Water: Lv.1+
- Banana/Milk: Lv. 10+
- Grapes/Lollipop: Lv. 20+
- Breadroll/Parfait: Lv. 30+
- Slice of Cake/Yogurt: Lv. 40+
- Change:Some of the EXP Food items are now level specific
(Item and Recipes):
- Lollipop: Lv. 20+
- Chocolate: Lv. 30+
- Chocolate Pie: Lv. 50+
- Biscuit: Lv. 60+
- Change:Items no longer show if they are appropriate for
Dragokin Characters
Big Summer Sale
The Big Summer Sale continues until June 27, 11:00 Server
The Costume Soulbound Remover has been removed from the
Item Mall
New Items
Special Costume Soulbound Remover (3 pcs.) – 250 IM
Artifact Costume Soulbound Remover (3 pcs.) – 300 IM
Legendary Costume Soulbound Remover (3 pcs.) – 350 IM
The original Costume Soulbound Remover has been removed from the Item
Mall but the existing ones still work as before (not for Legendary
Grade Costumes).
Master Sprayer Outfit [Legendary]
Legendary Set of Unity [Legendary]
New Costume Stats:
Master Spray Outfit
Top: Max HP +20%
Bottom: Max MP +20%
Gloves: Attack Speed +20%
Shoes: Movement Speed +20%
Headphones: STR +30, INT +30
Muffler: Max HP +8%, STR +40, INT +40, AGI +40, MAtk/PAtk +250
1 Part: AGI +70, HLT +50
2 Parts: STR+ 75, INT +75
3 Parts: Attack Speed +40%, Movement Speed +40%
4 Parts: Critical Damage +35%, All Element Attack Rates +5
5 Parts: Min/Max MAtk/PAtk +55%
6 Parts: Final Critical Success Chance: +10%, Final Damage Reduction
Chance/Amount: +3%/+5%
Legendary Set of Unity
Hood: Final Critical Success Chance +5%
Top: Max HP +20%
Bottom: Max MP +20%
Gloves: Attack Speed +25%
Shoes: Movement Speed +25%
Shoulders: Critical Damage +30%
Wings: Max HP +10%, STR +37, INT +37, AGI +37, MAtk/PAtk +250
Rose: Enchant Success Chance +5%, Soulcraft Success Chance +5%
1 Part: STR+ 50, INT +50
2 Parts: HLT +55
3 Parts: AGI +60
4 Parts: Critical Damage +40%
5 Parts: inal Critical Success Chance: +10%, All Element Def Rates +4
6 Parts: Attack Speed +45%, Movement Speed +40%, Final Damage Red.
Chance/Amount: +3%/+5%
7 Parts: Min/Max MAtk/PAtk +50%
8 Parts: Enchant Success Chance +3%, Soulcraft Success Chance +3%