Server Maintenance 3/19/2020
Hello Dragon Saga Friends,
Our weekly server maintenance will be on 3/19/2020 at 1300 Server Time. Updates will be posted once the maintenance is complete.
Server Maintenance 3/12/2020
Hello Dragon Saga Friends,
We will have our weekly server maintenance on 3/12/2020 at 1300 Server Time. Updates will be posted once the maintenance is complete.
Daylight Savings Time Server Restart [3/8/2020]
Hello Dragon Saga Friends,
Due to Daylight Savings Time beginning once again, Dragon Saga will have a server restart on 3/8/2020 starting at 1:50 Server Time (before the time change). During this time, access to Dragon Saga may be unavailable while the server restart is ongoing. Updates will go up on our social media as soon as the time change has finished and the servers is back up from its restart.
Server Maintenance 3/5/2020
Hello Dragon Saga Friends,
Our weekly server maintenance will be on 3/5/2020 at 1300 Server Time. Updates will be posted once the maintenance is complete.
*REMINDER* Warpportal Scheduled Service Downtime
Scheduled Warpportal Service Downtime
On February 24,2020 - February 26th, 2020 the Warpportal team will be moving our system servers to a new location which is a process that will unfortunately cause all Warpportal Games and Services (websites, support systems) to be offline.
Services will begin being affected on February 24th starting at 10 AM PST, and be completely offline by 11 AM PST. We expect to be online again by Wednesday February 26th at 6PM PST, and will post updates to our social media once everything is back online.